Thursday, March 17, 2016

The day my life changed...

March 17th, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. my doctor called.  He knew I was away on my girls weekend but I told him to call me as soon as he knew something.  I wasn't sure I was going to get the call that night, all afternoon I had fretted because I knew the results were in but my doctor was at a lecture.  We prayed he would return to the office and call me with the results.  I wanted to know one way or another so I could get on with my trip. 

There were the words "Lisa sorry to let you know but the results came back and you do have breast cancer." I didn't cry, I wasn't shocked I had prepared myself.  I wanted to know what Grade, what stage, what did this mean?  I wrote down a few things he told me and the doctors he recommended that I follow up with next.  Being away from home I had several calls to make to explain the diagnosis to family.  My bff was driving and torn over the results, I simply explained our trip would not be a pity party we were going to have fun for the weekend. 

We were just at the Texas border and after an afternoon of anxiety over the impending call I was now starving.  That is when we spotted Fuzzy Taco's (which I can say is our new addiction now), 

I am not sure the reality of what my diagnosis was really had set in but I was determined to not let it ruin my weekend away!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mammogram Day

It was Tuesday, March 15th and the day of my mammogram.  As I drove to the Breast Center I didn't have a care in the world my mind was on the trip I was taking later in the week with my bff.  I was unaware of how the next few hours would really play out and potentially change my life.

My appointment was at 9 am and the radiologist Ms. P took me back for my mammogram it was a breeze, I couldn't figure out why women avoided them or complained about having them done I mean yes your boobs get squished in the machine and you endure a few seconds of uncomfortableness but really it was a breeze.  But, I was guilty too of avoiding the mammogram, not because I was worried about having one done but mainly because I just never made the time to do it. 

After the mammogram the radiologist had me sit in a waiting area while she and the doctor reviewed the slides.  I was oblivious to what really was going on at this point and only now after the fact do I look back and realize how they were already concerned.  I noticed the radiologist come out and go to the secretary, she bent down and whispered something to her (now I am fairly certain she was asking her to get my doctor on the phone). 

Next was the ultrasound, again I was oblivious to the fact that my radiologist had brought in another technician with her.  This lady, Ms. J stood on my left side and was chatting with me well now I realize this was probably to keep me from looking at the screen and realize what was being looked at.  The radiologist left after a few minutes and in came Dr. B.  She was a middle aged lady that got right to the point she looked at some things quickly then asked me to look at the screen and said this is what normal breast tissue looks like and then moved the wand to the area I had been concerned about and said this is what your lump area looks like.  When I looked on the screen I thought wow that area looks huge!

Dr. B recommended that I have a biopsy of the area right away.  When she said right away she wasn't kidding they wanted to do the procedure in about 15 minutes.  My heart started to beat fast and I was in a little bit of a fog they placed me in a waiting area again so they could prep the room.  My anxiety started to kick in full force, not over why they wanted to do this biopsy this fast I really hadn't even thought about that but more over how the procedure would be done and the needles the pain...

I called my bff because I knew she could get there asap and she dropped everything and rushed to my aid.  Of course I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning and just hadn't prepared to have more than a simple mammogram done.  They set up the room and called me in and explained the procedure, not sure I heard a word because my eyes were focused on all the needle objects and how big they were.  Right as they were ready to start I sat up on the table and said "No I can't do this!!" Thankfully my bff knows how to talk some sense into me she prayed for me and insisted that I could do it.  Finally after some encouraging and a towel over my face so I couldn't see what the doctor was doing I agreed. 

I seriously had myself worked up and it was not that bad, the initial needle to numb the area felt like a small prick but after that I didn't feel any pain just the pressure as the samples were taken.  They took 3 tissue samples from the area on my right breast then a sample from my 1st lymph node.  The doctor showed me the samples once they were taken they looked like little rice pieces floating in water. 

The procedure was done, the worst part was the pressure they applied to stop the bleeding once they had that under control I was ready for another mammogram to make sure a marker that they had also inserted into the area was in place then I was ready to go.  Ice packs shoved in my bra I walked out of the center in a little shock.  Two days of waiting for results. 

Later that day my doctor called me and explained more on why they wanted to do the biopsy, he said they had found a mass that was roughly 3.5 cm with weird edges (not the word he used) both of these factors had them concerned it was cancer.  He did not sugar coat it for me and I am so grateful for that since I was able to prepare myself for the worst. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

What is this?

A few weeks back I felt something weird along the side of my right breast.  It was about the size of a dime and honestly I wasn't really concerned but after a few weeks I thought it might be a good idea to just have my doctor check it out since I could still feel it. 

My doctor could feel the little lump too so he ordered a mammogram and ultrasound just to have things checked out.  Truth be told I was 42 and had not had a mammogram yet anyway so it was time to jump on that band wagon anyway,  The center offered me an appointment for the 8th (just 4 days later) however I had a conflict that day and opted for an appointment on the 15th.  I wasn't concerned or worrying and figured it was probably just caffeine related or something.