Saturday, May 7, 2016

Stay away from me & Blessings

This week has been fairly uneventful - its my non chemo week but I did have iron fusions. Mainly I have been dealing with one child or another being sick of course it all takes place during that time period when my white blood cell count is at its lowest. 

Its hard to stay away from your kids when they are sick especially red he just wants some snuggling! But, I can not afford to catch anything a simple cold for them or you could be much worse for me.  So if you happen to see me sitting away from the crowd of people at softball games its not that I am being anti social its just I am being extra cautious around crowds and especially kids since they are little germ monsters.  A few weeks ago at church an individual I did not know was sitting by me and I think I slightly offended them by not shaking hands during our welcome time - I apologized but I am trying to avoid contact when I can just to be extra safe.

My next chemo is on Wednesday the 11th (I moved it back a day due to reds Kindergarten graduation on the 10th).  So I expect to be out of commission for the 11th - 14th.  I am finding my off week I do much better but still sleep more than I normally do and have days where I ache a little more. 

I feel really blessed so many friends and family have helped with so many things as I undergo treatment.  I appreciate everything - everyone has done.  One of my friends has been visiting me on Friday's and cleaning my toilets, now that is a true friend.  With the chemo you have to be careful around chemicals and fumes and germs and so some of the heavier cleaning like that is difficult for me to get done and if you know me I am a little OCD about things (I am really trying to let it go.. and not worry if something is not clean).  This cleaning help is huge especially since down in our area there is no cleaning assistance available for chemo patients.  In the city areas there are several cleaning services that offer free cleaning sessions to chemo patients.  I have found I can get all the general stuff done for the most part and my kiddos are supposed to be doing extra chores - however they are not always cooperative.

The other thing that has been a blessing is having extra snacks on hand.  This week two individuals gave me a box and a basket of snack items some for the kids - some for me its so nice to have around for the kids to just grab after school without me having to find something.  Then breakfast items this was something I never thought of before but after my first treatment I realized mornings are really rough on me that its hard to get up and move and so my kids are pretty good about getting themselves ready I set out their stuff the night before and then having easy to grab breakfast items has been perfect they can take care of that - sure its not the usual biscuits and bacon I had cooked for them but they are enjoying it all the same (my boys have especially loved the chocolate chip mini muffin things some have dropped to them).

I am grateful for my bff.  She has become my nurse/caretaker/driver/partner in crime.  Just because I am getting treatments does not mean we can't have fun and we make the most of every outing.  She also has been coordinating meals and other needs that might come up (thank you for the meals on my chemo weeks they help tremendously). Also my 2nd mom .. she's my back up girl for driving and my voice of reason - always keeping me in line.

I am also grateful for my work out girls and trainer, I couldn't work out as much this past cycle due to sick kids and extra trips for iron but these ladies make me laugh so much and well I may only be able to do 1/2 a work out these days but its more than nothing and its just good to get out and have fun.   If you haven't seen the shirts that my trainer is doing, I have attached a form.  They are placing the order Tuesday so forms and payments need to be in within the next day or so if you are interested. 

I can't forget the countless number of people praying for me and how blessed I am to have these prayer warriors on my side daily. There are so many blessings and things people are helping or have helped with that I have not mentioned - but I am grateful for EVERYTHING!!

Appreciate the GREAT days you have - before this I was so busy I failed to take time for little things now I have to slow down I am noticing so many things that I overlooked.

Keep the prayers coming!!

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